Favourite Part of the Project

I think my favourite part of the game that I've been involved with has been the marketing side of it. Being able to talk about and promote the game to the greater public has been very fulfilling for me. Also being able to work with my team and figure out how best to present the game has been amazing.

PGF has been the biggest example of this, working with my team to figure out what level we wanted to present to everyone and how we wanted to publicize the social media and Itch account and organizing who would be staying at the booth was great, and having my ideas put into practice after it was all organized was even better. Then also getting the opportunity to do an interview with a perth-based streamer was surprising and great to put all of the ideas of our game into words. 

I also helped a lot with the early story, which included the space setting, so getting to see the stick around a bit, even after the redesign is awesome.

I'm sure there will be even more than that as time goes on too!

Get Heibai

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